Existing Websites

Javascript Events Reference

This document details all events in Shoprocket, when they are triggered, and what data your handler method will receive....

6,329 2 1 28th January 2023

Create a Custom Menu or Navigation

Out of the box, Shoprocket can generate a "categories" menu for you, but you may want to create your own, this guide will explain how....

5,186 2 0 06th June 2023

Customise the Cart Style & Position

How to customise your cart style, position and icon...

4,215 0 0 07th August 2023

How to show or hide the ribbons on products

Product ribbons like "Sale", "Free Shipping", "New Product", "Digital Download", and "Pay What You Want" can be easily enabled or disabled on your Shoprocket dashboard, or via your...

2,906 0 0 30th November 2023

How to install Shoprocket in an existing website

Watch a video showing exactly how Shoprocket can be embedded into any website, in minutes....

3,761 2 0 21st October 2022

Wordpress (Gutenberg) - Installing Shoprocket

How to add ecommerce to your Wordpress (Gutenberg) site with Shoprocket...

5,513 0 0 12th December 2022

Existing websites - customising your embeds

Select which embed type you'd like (single Product widget, full page Product, multiple Products, or shopping cart) and then enable/disable the elements you'd like to include, as we...

6,023 2 0 04th April 2022

Wordpress (Classic) - Installing Shoprocket

How to add ecommerce to your Wordpress (Classic) site with Shoprocket...

6,586 1 1 06th May 2022

How to enable/disable "Image Swap" on hover

How to show a second image when hovering over products in a list or widget layout...

4,440 0 0 30th April 2022

Ghost.org - installing Shoprocket

How to install Shoprocket in your Ghost.org blog and start selling instantly...

8,287 0 0 06th May 2022

How to enable/disable "Image Zoom" on hover

How to show an HD zoom when hovering over product images in the view product modal, or full page embed...

4,031 0 0 30th April 2022

Carrd.co - installing Shoprocket

How to install Shoprocket in your Carrd.co one page app and start selling instantly...

4,831 0 0 06th May 2022

Webflow.io - Installing Shoprocket

How to install Shoprocket in your Webflow.io app and start selling instantly...

11,731 5 1 02nd June 2022

Custom cart trigger

How to create a custom cart/basket trigger button...

7,066 1 0 18th June 2022

Unicornplatform.com - installing Shoprocket

Selling directly from your Unicorn Platform website is as simple as copy & paste...

7,192 0 0 09th August 2022

Showit.co - installing Shoprocket

How to install Shoprocket in your Showit.co website and start selling instantly...

6,985 1 0 28th August 2022

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