Manage & Customise Email Notifications

Updated on 09th August 2023 in Notifications

This guide will walk you through how to customise and manage the email notifications sent on behalf of your store using the platform. You have full control over the content and appearance of these emails to ensure a seamless and branded customer experience.

Accessing Email Notification Settings

To begin customising your email notifications, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your account.

  2. Navigate to your store's dashboard.

  3. Click on "Settings" in the main menu.

  4. Select "Email Notifications" from the dropdown menu.

Customising Email Notifications

Store Email (From Address)

By default, email notifications are sent from an address in the format "[email protected]." However, you have the option to customise the email address from which these emails are sent. This customisation adds a personal touch and reinforces your brand identity.

In the "Store Email (From Address)" section, enter the email address you want to use as the sender. This is the address customers will see in the "reply-to" field. 

Sending Emails From Your Own Email Address

For an even more personalised touch, you can configure to send email notifications using your own domain's email address, such as "[email protected]." This enhances brand recognition and trust among customers.

  1. Enable the "Send Emails From My Own Email Address" switch.

  2. will provide you with instructions for DNS setup via the chat. Follow these instructions to complete the setup.

Types of Email Notifications offers a variety of email notifications to keep your customers informed at every stage of their shopping journey. You can customise the content and appearance of each email to match your store's branding.

Here are the types of email notifications available:

  • Order Confirmation
  • Order Paid
  • Order Processing
  • Order Ready for Pickup
  • Order Shipped
  • Order Delivered
  • Order Refunded
  • Order Partially Refunded
  • Order Returned
  • Order Disputed
  • Order Failed
  • Order Cancelled
  • Order Abandoned Cart
  • New Order Placed
  • Order Payment Received
  • Low Stock

BCC All Customer Notifications to Staff

To keep your store administrators in the loop, you can enable the "BCC All Customer Notifications To Staff" switch. This will send a copy of all customer-facing email notifications to your staff members.

Previewing and Editing Emails

Before finalising your email notifications, you can preview and edit them to ensure they meet your expectations.

  1. In the notification settings, locate the email type you want to customise.

  2. Click on the "Preview/Edit" button next to the email type.

  3. A preview of the email will be displayed along with editable fields. Customise the email's content, formatting, and design to align with your brand.

  4. Save your changes when you're satisfied with the edits.


With's powerful email notification customisation options, you can deliver a consistent and branded experience to your customers. By tailoring each email to your store's unique style, you'll enhance customer engagement and reinforce your brand identity. Take advantage of these features to keep your customers informed, engaged, and coming back for more.

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